Core Competencies Self Reflection

Sharon Langlois from North Shuswap Elementary was sharing how she uses these documents with her colleagues and was kind enough to share them with us all!
“I have a master copy of each and a few ready copies so that I can grab one when the opportunity presents. I usually get the (grade 2/3) class to decide which category the event might fall under and they help choose the best descriptor."
So far, I have done the writing, consulting with the class or individuals and trying to have some kind of "evidence" to put on the sheet.
This process has proven especially effective in the following ways:
1) helping myself and students get to know the core competencies
2) reinforcing positive choices, which so often follows up with wonderful "copycat" behaviour
3) students taking pride in their learning in a concrete way
There is an entry point for everyone.”
Communication Collaborating Self AssessmentCommunication Communicating Self AssessmentCreative Thinking Self AssessmentCritical Reflective Thinking Self AssessmentPersonal Awareness and Responsibility Self AssessmentPositive Personal and Cultural Identity Self AssessmentSocial Awareness and Responsibility Self Assessment